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Modern Piping books are packed with the newest, coolest tunes from some of the world’s TOP composers!
Our bagpipe books are made for beginner through to expert players, here is a few fun things you'll find inside!
- Composing and playing tutorial articles
- Minimum 15 pages of brand new piping tunes (No need to wait for your favourite bands to play the music first, get your hands on the music!)
- Composer stories behind each tune
- Interviews with pipers and their success secrets
- Tune competition (get your tune in our book and be published for all time amongst some of the top composers around the world!)
- Need help learning? Just visit our Listen page and learn while playing the music along.
In this book:
Tutorial article
Producing Backing Tracks for Bagpipes by Lincoln Hilton
This article delves into the world of technology and its potential to assist bagpipe players in their practice and performances. -
Tune submission winner
Surrey Parakeets by Stephen J Beattie
Piper of the Moment
Luke Kennedy
Lincoln Hilton
Messi Magic
Por Favor
Nelson Terrace
Bob the Cockatoo -
Alisdair McLaren
Laynie Seaton
Cruise Control
Greggstreet Boy's -
Brighde Chaimbeul
Air Iomrall
Blà Bheinn
Polska Chiorstaidh
The Holly Tree
The Pladaig Road -
Dougie McCance
Finlay’s March
Mansfield March
Bracera -
Scott Wallace
Shaka the Baker
The Hairdo Kid -
Alex Gandy
Paddy’s Leather Breeches (A min)
Colin Bean
*This listing is for a physical book sent to your location.
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